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Forest sunlight Website.png

what’s holding you back?


what’s holding you back?

Are you in a job that inspires you? Do you spend enough time with family? What stories from your past are causing you pain in the present? Has the pandemic itself caused trauma?

The arrival of the pandemic and the abrupt changes in our life and work environments, created the opportunity (whether we wanted it or not) to re-evaluate our lives.

I can help you out of the mental cul-de-sac you’re in, get to the core of what’s holding you back, making you feel lost or stuck or giving you anxiety.

I can help you, ditch limiting beliefs and perceptions, find your purpose and prosper.

With the tools I have learned as a trained Demartini Method Facilitator an EFT practitioner and with Counselling Skills I can help you identify and work through any area of your life causing you discomfort and holding you back. I can also show you how to use these tools for yourself in the future.

Please contact me via the form on my Work with Me page to find out how we can work together.